Tele Consult App

Telehealth Consultation services play a crucial role in supporting clinics and enhancing the efficiency of doctor consultation services for people in need. With the ongoing pandemic, minimizing physical contact between patients and doctors has become a top priority, and TeleConsult aims to address this by providing a secure telehealth experience for various healthcare specialties, including family practice, mental health, and physical therapy. With TeleConsult, patients can easily access remote healthcare services, ensuring that their medical needs are met in a safe and convenient manner.


The traditional process of visiting a doctor in person can be time-consuming, inconvenient, and often stressful. Patients may need to wait for long periods of time in crowded waiting rooms, travel long distances to reach the clinic, or face challenges in scheduling appointments that fit with their busy schedules. In addition, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made in-person visits even more challenging and potentially risky for both patients and healthcare professionals. These issues highlight the need for a more convenient and efficient alternative for doctor consultations, such as telehealth services.




Telehealth Consultation services provide crucial support for clinics, streamlining the doctor consultation process and improving access to care for patients in need. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s more important than ever to reduce unnecessary contact between patients and doctors, which TeleConsult achieves seamlessly. This innovative service offers a secure telehealth experience for a variety of healthcare specialties, including family practice, mental health, and physical therapy, making it convenient and easy for patients to access the care they need, all from the comfort and safety of their own homes.




Name: Christine
Age: 32
Nationality: Malaysian
Career: Producer

Goal and Need

  • She works at Mediacorp and doesn’t have any free time during the week. She always gets off very late so she needs an app that can make an appointment with her schedule.
  • She doesn’t like to have a face to face interaction during this pandemic when sick.
  • She prefers fully utilise her time so she doesn’t want to queue for a long time to visit a doctor

Problem faced

  • Clinics are usually swarmed with sick people and going to the physical location will increase her chance of getting covid-19.
  • Usually, the Clinic waits at least half an hour, and sometimes not in sequence
    Clinics are far from her location

Desirable to have

  • She hopes the app can make an appointment first before heading to the clinic she want to have a live calling session with the doctor
  • She wants everything recorded so she can refer back to the medicine

Name: Jason
Age: 38
Nationality: Singaporean
Career: Self employee

Goal and Need

  • He has some issues with his leg and it’s not convenient for him to walk out from home, therefore he needs the service of consultation that don’t need to walk out from home.
  • He needs a delivery service that can simplify his life
  • His location doesn’t have the doctor he wants and other clinics are far. Therefore, tele app will save his life by sourcing good doctors from other people’s reviews.

Problem faced

  • Good doctors are not in his location
  • Waiting times for consulting doctors are usually long
    Prices are usually higher

Desirable to have

  • home visit service
  • video consultation
  • medicine delivery services
  • affordable price


Wireframe and Prototype

Using the insights gathered during the research phase, we brainstormed and created initial sketches and wireframes of the app’s user interface and user flow. After that, I created a low-fidelity prototype of the app and conducted usability testing with real users. Based on their feedback, we refined the app’s design and functionality.


User test

After developing the prototype, the team conducted user testing to gather feedback and make further improvements to the app. Medical officers were given the opportunity to use the app and provide feedback on the user experience, design, and features. This feedback was used to make further improvements to the app and ensure that it met the needs of both medical officers and user.


Based on the feedback from user testing, the team made improvements and refinements to the app.


The app was launched with a focus on user acquisition and engagement. The team also monitored user feedback and behavior to optimize the app’s features and functionality. The app’s success was measured based on key performance indicators such as user retention and satisfaction.


Key Takeaways

This project is about reflection and learning from the designing and redefining of the Teleconsult app. Through the UX process, there are insights and lessons that can be gained about the user’s needs, pain points, and behaviors. Reflecting on the process can help to identify what worked well and what could have been improved to create a better user experience. These insights and lessons learned can then be applied to future projects and iterations to continue improving the user experience and meeting the needs of the target audience.